This year we want to celebrate World Teachers' Day , with the same enthusiasm as always, remembering that educating is not an easy task but with humor, patience and a lot of love it can be a wonderful and very enriching act.
The school, and therefore the teachers, have an extremely important role in education. But also families, children, girls, young people and the educational community are part of this great purpose. We all teach and we all learn!
We want to remind you on this special day that as a teacher, you not only teach very valuable knowledge, but you also transmit great values and an enormous motivation to become what we dream:
Both teachers and families do everything possible so that children are the scriptwriters of their own film and build a path that makes them happy, better people and to be able to thank and share everything they learn from the other people.
To all those who know that teaching is not to stop learning, that education is an act of love, that trust is a feeling that we have to provide all children to reach their goals ... we thank you!
But we must also thank that both the youngest and young people teach us every day things that are necessary , to have a much more fun and carefree vision of the world, to have patience, not to label people, we are taught to love others and oneself…
You, who want to change the world, keep learning and improve your educational practice , whether in a school, at home, in an esplai, in an urban garden, or from any other space, let's talk about education:
And educating means looking for all possible ways to guide and help children and young people write the best version of themselves. When you educate with such passion, with so much pride and with so much vocation, it is inevitable to leave a great imprint in the hearts of each one of them . And if not ... check it yourself!
When you think of those people who taught you so much, I'm sure you remember the names of some teachers that marked you, but I'm sure you also think of those people who are around you on a daily basis, your mother, your father, your grandparents or sisters, your neighbor ... This leads us to think that education is a process in which all those people who want to improve the future of children , regardless of their education, age, social class or the religion. We all teach and we all learn!
To celebrate World Teachers' Day, this year we want to provide you with quality material so that educating is a little easier and more fun. To do this, we will draw a kit with teaching resources among all those who are encouraged to participate. See everything you can get:
Educational robot: Dash & Dot
Educational material:
Flash box. Multiplications Self-correcting boxes
Gamify Language1. Zoom Project
Literature books:
Piñata: Elmer and The Witch Brunilda
Cucana: Don Quixote and Myths and Legends of Ancient Egypt
Classroom Literature: The mousetrap and Around the world in 80 days
Hispanic Classics: The house of Bernarda Alba and Bicycles are for summer
Universal Classics: Madame Bovary and Oedipus Rex. Antigone
Adapted Classics: Don Quixote de la Mancha and Metamorphosis
VV Kids Books:
Let's play yoga
Predatory dinosaurs
Program as a genius 1
We only ask you one thing ... never stop helping children and young people to be more human, freer and happier and of course, never lose that passion for education!
If you also believe that we all teach and we all learn, do not miss this opportunity to get this kit full of educational materials and participate in our raffle!